This text gives information on the new status of gambling and the issues that arise with the existence of legal commercial gaming. It includes contributions from some of the world's leading authorities on theory and teatment approaches to problem and pathological gambling.
Problem Gambling and Family Violence in Help-seeking Populations: Co-occurrence, Impact and Coping : Final Report
For fans of The Wire and Ed Brubaker's Criminal! Collects HIGH ROLLERS #1-4.
Le Groupe de travail sur le jeu ligne a reçu, en juillet 2010, le mandat d'examiner les conséquences de la mise en activité, par Loto-Québec, du site Internet de jeu en ligne Espacejeux.
A young problem gamblers true story of denial, acceptance and a lifelong trial to quit gambling for good. An eye opening novel focused around the hidden dangers of gambling.
Keith Gillespie is renowned as a footballer who liked a bet. And lost a lot. One afternoon he added up how much he had gambled away during the course of his professional career. It made for uncomfortable reading. This is his story.
Of various types of gambling and gambling addictions, and resources for seeking recovery.
Ex-professional football player Art Schlichter discusses his success in high school, college, and the NFL before succumbing to gambling addiction and serving time in prison for ten years.
Le jeu compulsif est-il essentiellement causé par un désordre individuel d'impulsion ou n'est-il pas également influencé par les manœuvres d'une industrie dont le but premier est l'augmentation des profits ?
Based on author Jason Beem's own painful journey with a gambling addiction, Southbound follows Ryan McGuire, a horse racing announcer who faces his gambling demons on a daily basis.
Striking Out - Kevin Herlihy