A collection of more than thirty articles shows teachers how to weave social justice principles throughout the math curriculum, and how to integrate social justice math into other curricular areas as well.
Perry described the infamous 1958 hearings as “the hardest day I ever lived through” and “one of the most wonderful days I ever experienced”—the latter perspective due to Reverend Gibson's courageous act of walking out on the committee ...
Teachers working with dialect - speaking African - American youths on improving their writing also might want to evaluate these students ' use of dialect features apart from their ability to develop a persuasive essay ( García & Pearson ...
Equity and Education: The Challenge
Sexual Orientation and Its Impact on Schools: A Guide for Middle & High School Educators
Coercion to Compliance: Or how Great Expectations in Washington are Actually Realized at the Local Level, this Being the Saga...
This effort can work to combat the monolingual and monocultural ideologies so predominant in U.S. society ( Reagan and Osborn , 2002 ) . Pennycook ( 1994 ) , Macedo and Bartholomé ( 1999 ) ...
Exploring Educational Issues
Equality and Education: Education and class
Equality and Education: The gender agenda in education
Equality and Education