Of all the different forms of forensic mental health evaluations, the most frequently requested are competency to stand trial evaluations. Dr. Grisso, a preeminent forensic researcher and teacher, has put together a field-tested manual of immense value. It is basic and straightforward, yet sufficiently complete to meet current legal requirements, professional standards, and the realistic demands of a forensic practice. Included are reviews of competency assessment instruments; discussions of ethical issues in competency evaluations of criminal defendants; case examples; and appendices detailing major legal cases, specialized evaluation tools, and reference citations.
This book is an ideal first-exposure to competency to stand trial evaluations for graduate students, clinicians who are re-tooling for forensic practice, undergraduates who are getting their "first look" at forensic psychology, as a ...
Moran (1993). The defendant, Moran, after being found competent to stand trial, discharged his lawyers, entered a plea of guilty to three counts of murder, and was then sentenced to death. He appealed, arguing that although he had been ...
These volumes offer invaluable guidance for anyone involved in conducting or using forensic evaluations.
Competency to Stand Trial
Clinical Evaluations for Juveniles' Competence to Stand Trial: A Guide for Legal Professionals
Put simply, decisions about child custody and severance of parental rights are ultimately legal and moral and are best left to the legal decision maker (Azar et al., 1995; Emery, 1999; Melton, 1999; Melton et al., 1997; O'Donahue ...
Vitacco, Rogers, Gabel, and Munizza (2007) examined the ATP scales among 100 forensic patients, 29 of whom were identified as feigning on the SIRS. The ATP scales again showed large effect sizes, with excellent sensitivity and very good ...
Encouraging results from the pilot study included that: high interrater agreement (Pearson r between two research assistants) was obtained for scoring the paraphrase portion of the three prototype measures for both the COM (.85–.90) and ...
The third edition of this award-winning textbook has been revised and thoroughly updated.
This text presents a level of comprehensiveness that is not covered in CST evaluation guides. Anyone involved in forensic evaluations or aspiring to become competent in forensic evaluations must read this text.