F I F T Y E I G H T H ow do you handle the little " pinches ” in your marriage ? You know , those times you would like to say “ Ouch ! ” We call those little hurts pinches . Have you ever felt any at your house ? What's a pinch ?
60 One-minute Marriage Builders
Caters to the needs of the modern couple by providing a thorough guide that can be read in an hour, but teaches the art of maintaining a good marriage.
Sharon Jaynes, author of The Power of a Woman's Words, shares the unique, God-blessed role you can play in making your marriage the joy of both your lives. A happy marriage takes work, but the end result is worth it.
Rob Parsons presents an action plan to revolutionise every relationship.
This marriage renewal book is for couples who would prefer not to attend a formal marriage retreat but still want the intimacy and openness that retreats foster.
60 One-Minute Family Builders
60 One-minute Memory-builders
But the good news is that if you make it through the third decade, the fourth decade of love can be a renewing time. A fulfilling and enjoyable love life can add much pleasure to the retirement years. The key is to develop emotional ...
Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1976. Getz, Gene. ... Penner. The Gift of Sex: A Couple's Guide to Sexual Fulfillment. Waco: Word, Inc., 1981. Penner, Clifford and Joyce Penner. Sex Facts for the Family. Dallas: Word, Inc., 1992.
Aaron Robinson is just your average, ordinary teenager trying to make it through his eighth grade year.