Discusses the job positions, postal exams, pay, applications and resumes, interview process, and related civil service positions for those interested in a postal service career.
This new edition includes updated information, two new chapters and a new appendix covering Postal Inspector positions, high paying related federal civil service occupations, and step-by-step guidance for those interested in applying for ...
African American Postal Workers and the Fight for Jobs, Justice, and Equality Philip F. Rubio. Lewis, Earl. ... Who Built America?: Working People and the Nation's Economy, Politics, ... ''Black Nationalism and Black Common Sense.
A one-stop resource for postal service job applicants, this book contains exams for more than 50 employment categories, including the 473, 473-C, and 460 tests, which are used for more than 90 percent of full-time positions, such as ...
"The new world of postal jobs & exams"--Cover.
This classic 1971 novel—the one that catapulted its author to national fame—is the perfect introduction to the grimly hysterical world of legendary writer, poet, and Dirty Old Man Charles Bukowski and his fictional alter ego, Chinaski.
This book reveals where post office jobs are, what they pay, and what strategies to follow to get them.
The NALC especially, said Pearson, was “desperately anxious to pass a pay-raise bill. It must be OK'd by Senator OlinJohnston (D., SC.) and his Postoflice Committee. So,Johnston agreed to make postal-pay increases the first order of ...
Sample resumes and forms filled out so that you will see the documents real people used to find employment in the postal service.
A masterful history of a long underappreciated institution, How the Post Office Created America examines the surprising role of the postal service in our nation’s political, social, economic, and physical development.
There is a chapter on interviews to help prepare for this stressful event. This book provides guidance on how to explore alternative civil service occupations and includes a chapter on postal inspector positions.