From the Crystal Palace to the skyscraper and on to the functional aesthetic of the German Bauhaus, the development of modern architecture required less than seven decades. Philadelphia's Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts warrants a central place in this narrative. Unlike the earlier buildings that made fragmentary and disconnected use of the latest industrial materials and systems, the Academy project combined the critical elements of modern logistical planning--steel and iron construction and modern plumbing, heating, and ventilation systems designed to serve a workplace and a school--with the architectural expression of the age. Moreover, rather than seeking to reify the past, architects Furness & Hewitt had chosen the most dynamic of modern forces, the machine, as both inspiration and ornament. Instead of being based on the rearview mirror, the new Academy, opened in 1876, looked to the present and the future. This created a civic museum and school building whose expressive style referenced both its updated purpose and a novel attitude toward history. The Academy's machine for making art can rightly be termed the first modern building.
Examines England's Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 through a broad geographical and chronological framework, discussing its repercussions at home and abroad and why the subsequent ideological break with the past makes it the first modern ...
S. cohen and H. Levine, 87–110. Boston: Kluwer, 2000. ———. Ascensions on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders. Budapest: central european University Press, 2005. iggers, George G. The German Idea of History: The National ...
The First Modern Comedies: The Significance of Etherege, Wycherley, and Congreve
A profile of the Revolution and Napoleonic era's celebrated woman of letters discusses her upbringing in political and intellectual circles as the daughter of Louis XVI's minister of finances, her controversial affairs with some of the most ...
“het zenden van iemand na Hamburgh, Atena en Bremen en het schryven na Denemarken genoegzaam en toereykende middelen . . . om het voorsz. Gebrek van manschappen te kunnen remedieeren.” A. R. A. Den Haag, Admiraliteit Colleges, No.
The first modem Olympic Games were held in Athens in April of 1896, and this volume is a description of the sporting and festive events of that occasion, with a...
(Is “Pat Furey” a nom de guerre for Don Nugent?) O'Connor, Edward D. Pope Paul and the Spirit. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1978. O'Donovan, Patrick, with a personal recollection by Robert Kee and biographical notes by Hermione ...
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Europe in this period, exploring the changes and transitions involved in the move towards modernity.
DIVA major new look at the life and career of a pioneering woman artist/div
Intended to celebrate the 70th birthday of the distinguished historian, Lawrence Stone, these essays owe much to his influence.