Focuses on basic concepts of play of hand. Bidding tactics reviewed.
Carolyn Wells (June 18, 1862 - March 26, 1942) was an American author and poet. Born in Rahway, New Jersey, she was the daughter of William E. and Anna Wells. She died at the Flower-Fifth Avenue Hospital in New York City in 1942. -wikipedia
When you hold only 3 honors (the Ace, Queen, and Jack) and your opponents hold both the King and the Ten, as in Examples 4 and 5, do not try a direct finesse. You will take tricks with only 2 of your honors if you lead 1 of them.
One-volume primer assuming no knowledge of the game. It contains sufficient material for the beginner to be able to attend a club or social gathering with confidence.
Winning Ways at Bridge
本书是杨小燕的回忆录.在书中,作者写下在旷世巨变和国难当头下的旧时中国,她十九岁赴美之前的家世,成长,生活和亲身见闻.从北平燕园的童年往事,写到战时湖南的乡居岁月 ...
Charles H. Goren's Point Count Bidding in Contract Bridge
How to refigure your assets as the bidding proceeds
Bridge is an Easy Game
Test Your Bridge Play
This visual guide will help beginners master the rules and principles while also explaining strategies that both beginners and experienced players need to command for successful play.