Bruce van Sant provides an account of his decades of experience sailing and trawlering through the islands of the trade winds to South America, and shares information he has gleaned on health, thieves, con artists, corrupt officials, ...
Drawing on more than four decades of experience as a researcher and teacher, Howard Becker now brings to students and researchers the many valuable techniques he has learned. Tricks of...
A collection of talks, workshops, lectures and conference pieces ... which were recorded at the time before being written by Fo's wife and collaborator Franca Rame (from introduction).
This book looks inside the secretive subculture of modern magicians.
TA-DAAAH!Paul Kelly makes the ordinary extraordinary with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of wisdom.Tired of spinning your wheels?
Tricks of the Trade: Confessions of a Bookbinder
Unlocks the mysteries of commercially successful screen drama.
Identifying dynamical systems from data is a promising approach to data forecasting and optimal control. ... The state of the dynamical system is represented by the set of units that compose the network and the transition between two ...
Throughout, Weintraub unveils an extraordinary amount of information on how pros make money in today's fast-paced trading pits.
The "outside-the-box" strategies presented in this volume are useful solutions to clinical challenges in the ever-evolving field of interventional medicine, with its innovative technology, devices, and procedures.
This book lays out some essential guidelines in simple bite-size points - a good starting point for anyone who is new to this field, and a reminder for old hands.