Many workplaces are not effective because they ignore their most valuable asset: purposeful employees ? change agents who guide colleagues into bigger arenas and help them feel safe. As you remove boundaries and help others thrive, you become a purposeful employee or WITS: Wise, Innovative, Thoughtful, and Spunky. No company can thrive without its WITS. They are a constant source of energy and perspective for others, and they have an amazing ability to recharge their own batteries.
本书在描述了领导力的基本特征和本质之后, 提出了领导力开发的七条原理, 并对领导的选拔, 培训, 职业发展等方面做了详细和深入的分析.
Schad, J., Lewis, M. W., Raisch, S., and Smith, W. K. 2016. ... Shafer, W., Lowe, D., and Fogarty, T. 2002. The effects of corporate ownership on public ... Smets, M., von Nordenflycht, A., Morris, T., and Brock, D. Forthcoming.
Develop the personal, interpersonal and group skills vital to achieving outstanding success in today's workplace with DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR LEADERS.
Downsizing, mergers, loss of employee loyalty and a growing shortage of ready-now executive talents are increasing the importance of developing internal candidates to fill key leadership positions.
Gottman , J & Gottman , J. W. Marital Therapy : A Research - Based Approach . ( Seattle , Washington , USA : Gottman Institute , 2002 ) . 5. Ibid . 6. Ibid . Chapter 14 1 . Covey , S. R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People .
Designed to help build practical skills in every area of managerial competency, this text guides readers through eight interactive learning modules covering different leadership roles, including director, producer, mentor, facilitator, ...
“ I'm sure we can be back in good time tomorrow , probably early enough for me to meet Daniel , ” she said , invoking ... Unlike the comfortable but merrier atmosphere of the White Hart , this was an exclusive Piccadilly establishment ...
PROFILE : WAYNE L. SMITH Leadership tips you can bank on by Jeff Walter Wayne L. Smith likes to joke about how he became president of Central Bank & Trust Co. “ I stuck around and won by default , ” he says .
Management: A Practical Guide to Management Excellence
Cómo Obtener Permanentemente Logros Extraordinarios James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. Mirar alrededor Los líderes saben ... Comunicación externa e interna James M. Utterback , del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts , es una de las ...