Hassler, M.; R. Sauer, I. Schneider (Hassler/Sauer/Schneider 2006): Möglichkeiten der bilanziellen Analyse der Sicherheitslage von Versicherungsunternehmen, in: WPg 2006, S. 1539-1548. Häusler, G. (Häusler 2004): The Insurance Industry, ...
The Life of a Black Salesman
This book is here to clear up all that confusion. With combined experience of over fifty years in the life insurance industry, Kim Butler and Jack Burns know what's true and what isn't. They've seen what works and what fails.
Learn what to buy before your "sold" life insurance you don't need.Even though this book was written in 1968 Attorney Pawlick's wisdom still applies today.
Ansätze zur Risikoanalyse und Risikobewältigung in der Lebensversicherung: Eine Untersuchung vor dem Hintergrund der Umsetzung der Dritten Lebensversicherungsrichtlinie der Europäischen...
It delivers: » Detailed information about the entire range of life insurance products that can be used by estate and financial planners in a wide variety of circumstances » Planning techniques for retirement income needs, estate and gift ...
Capital Markets & Financial Advisory Services Examination: Module 9
Audits of Stock Life Insurance Companies: Including Statements of Position Issued by Auditing Standards Division, and Statement of Financial Accounting...
It is the author's hope that with this book the reader will be more prepared to make informed decisions and avoid wasting their money.