Because the intervention of a neutral third party is currently gaining favor as an alternative form of dispute resolution, this book explores the process of mediation in the context of managing struggle and examines some of the characteristics of mediators, their training and ethics, and the techniques and skills of good mediation. The theory section of the book contains three chapters dealing respectively with basic concepts and contexts, origins and development of mediation, and the mediator. The chapters in the section on practice are as follows: (1) "The Mediator in Action"; (2) "Phases in the Mediation Process"; (3) "Mediator Behaviors: Relationships, Processes, and Strategies"; (4) "Power and the Mediator"; (5) "You Are the Mediator: a Summary of Suggestions"; and (6)"Helping the Parties Use Mediation." The five appendixes include simulated cases for mediation, mediation analysis and evaluation forms, special exercises for mediators-to-be, a section on special projects, and a sample agreement between parties coming to mediation. Eighty-one references are included. (Skc).
This edition includes a new chapter, 'Unrepresented Parties and Mediation', exploring the impact of the vast number of pro se litigants on the family mediation process.
... in particular, John Wade, Pat Cavanagh, Libby Taylor, Jane Hobler, and Cheryl Hensel, for their support, ... Kay Barclay for administrative support, to Ava Hall and Deborah Jean Schmidt for research assistance and to Carlos Martin.
More generally, this book will strike a chord with anyone interested in humanizing our social institutions and building on a relational vision of society.
"Written in a friendly, conversational style, this book offers a hands-on approach to statistical mediation and moderation for both beginning researchers and those familiar with modeling.
Through mediation or a collaborative divorce, you can avoid huge legal bills and debilitating conflict with your ex. This book guides you through all the steps of negotiating a divorce settlement, using mediation or collaborative law.
" - JOHN TAYLOR - A complete and unabridged edition of President John Taylor's famous work, "Mediation and Atonement." Comes with an Index.
Provides clinic ethics consultants, palliative care providers, physicians, nurses and other medical staff with the tools and information to support a patient's traditional and religious commitments and personal wishes in life and death ...
Buy this book and find out why." —Kenneth Cloke, coauthor of Resolving Conflicts at Work and author of Mediating Dangerously "The Mediation Field Guide has something for everyone interested in learning about mediation's promise.
Braithwaite, J. (1989). Crime, shame and reintegration. New York: Cambridge University Press. Braithwaite,J. (2001). Youth development circles. Oxford Review ofEducation, 27(2),239252. Bruner,J. (1986). Actual minds, possible worlds.
An effective tool for training in mediation and for developing a mediation program in the workplace, this book includes theoretical discussion, training exercises and an administrative guide with policies, procedures, and forms for program ...