Written by practicing nurse life care planners and peer-reviewed by AANLCP member nurse life care planners, this core curriculum includes basic nurse life care planning knowledge on - The history of nurse life care planning - The use of ...
table 20.1 Patterns of Brachial Plexus injuries with the least impairment. In contrast, a global palsy has the worst prognosis for spontaneous recovery and is associated with the greatest impairment. Children with global palsies require ...
Thelife care plan also requires appropriate foundation. Studies in adults with brain injury suggest that persons with moderate neurologic deficit benefit the most, whereas those with profound orminimal deficitslessso.25The ...
Matheson, L., Rogers, L., Kaskutas, V., & Dakos, M. (2002). Reliability and reactivity of three new functional assessment measures. Work, 18, 41–50. McCroskey, B. (2001). The McCroskey Vocational Quotient System 2001, version 1.1.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital 2002 Guide to Medical Care of Patients with HIV Infection, 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Bartlett J.G. (2002). The 2002 Abbreviated Guide to Medical Management of HIV Infection.
Blackwell, T. et al., Spinal Cord Injury Desk Reference: Guidelines for Life Care Planning and Case Management, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, 2001, pp. i, vii. 2. Vogel, L.C. and Betz, R.R., Pediatric spinal cord injury, ...
Brain Injury Medicine, 2nd Edition Features: The acknowledged gold standard reference-brings together knowledge, experience, and evidence-based medicine Comprehensive and current-completely revised, updated, and expanded to include emerging ...
This handbook provides a comprehensive resource for all people involved with catastrophic impairments who need to solve complex medical care problems. Upda
Editorial: Expanding the Knowledge Base for the Life Care Planner, 7(4), 161–162. □ Bereavement and Mortality: A Methodology for Assessing Capacity and Functioning Following the Loss of a Spouse, Timothy E. Field, Anthony J. Choppa, ...
Trauma. Care. Considerations. Stephen. V. Cantrill. GENERAL PRINCIPLES Classification Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is ... must have his or her initial resuscitation guided by the principles of advanced trauma life support (ATLS) [1].