1 copy located in Circulation.
... Vicente , 84 Muñoz Melgosa , José María , 104 Nelken , Margarita , 200 , 215 Néstor ( Néstor Fernández de la Torre ) ... 250 Núñez Losada , Francisco , 104 Obiols , Josep , 77 , 84 , 235 , 241 Olasagasti , Jesús , 61 , 63 , 67 , 70-72 ...
London : Fontana Press Wise , T and S Wise ( 1994 ) A Guide to Military Museums and Other Places of Military Interest . London : Terence Wise Wright , P ( 1985 ) On Living in the Old Country : the national past in contemporary Britain .
Contends that the definition of the creative economy should be expanded to include technical writers, amateurs involved in creating digital content and designers who have revolutionised banking and finance.
39 In effect, Shearer was criticizing Dewey's intellectual emphasis on social problems, social injustice, and class distinctions. In his attempt to make meaning perfectly productive, she argued, Dewey had made it perfectly mechanical.
法國文化政策: 從法國大革命至今的文化藝術機制
He said that the portrait was of Sir John Frederick William Herschel ( 1792–1871 ) by John Jabez Edwin Mayall ( 1810–1901 ) . The son of the astronomer Sir William Herschel , Sir John Herschel was one of the greatest British scientists ...
Art, Public Culture, and the State Casey Nelson Blake, Professor Casey Nelson Blake ... The Formative Years , 1790-1860 ; Cultural Excursions : Marketing Appetites and Cultural Tastes in Modern America ; and Chicago Apartment Houses .
A Manifesto for Arts Funding
A Manifesto for Arts Funding
Die Wende in Osteuropa 1989 brachte die Geschichte zu einem vorläufigen Ende und einem Neuanfang.