Questions of all chess players are answered by the greatest legends of the game.
Offers a guide to important chess techniques and principles to help players develop the skills needed to beat opponents, from the basics of play to specific tactics and strategies, as well as a look at the world of competitive chess.
In an guide to developing a more effective thinking process for chess, an instructor evaluates how players at all levels approach analytical positions and offers lessons based on his findings to help players avoid typical flaws.
Chernev runs through the winning strategies, suggests alternative tactics and celebrates the finesse of winning play. This is not only a book of 62 instructive chess games, but also 62 beautiful games to cherish.
It is well established that the study of basic tactics is probably the single most important thing any beginner can do to improve at chess. This book will help you do that!
This book contains everything you need to carry out your own Woodpecker training. Smith and Tikkanen explain how to get the maximum benefit from the method, before presenting over 1100 puzzles and solutions.
In the first part of the book Neishstadt teaches a systematic course on the most important tactical themes.
This book is designed to immediately improve your game.
In this instructional book for chess players looking to take their game to the next level, prolific and popular chess authors Irving Chernev and Fred Reinfeld share tips on how to perfect winning plays.
With this book, International Master Herman Grooten presents to amateur players a complete and structured course on: how to recognize key characteristics in all types of positions how to make use of those characteristics to choose the right ...
A respected chess teacher and Grandmaster draws on his experiences in tournaments and with his students to suggest methods for improving all aspects of chess play.