This book dispels these myths and instead looks at the genuine impact of EU law on architectural practice.
The eleventh edition follows in that tradition. The text has been brought up to date to ensure it follows the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013 as the guide to the architect’s workflow.
Building and the Law
This book examines 200 contractual problems which regularly arise on building and engineering projects and provides a detailed explanation of their solutions, citing standard contract conditions and key parts of legal judgements as ...
Jct : Standard Building Contract Without Quantities Revision 2 2009
Under the RIAI Contract, if either party rejects the conciliator's recommendation within the relevant fixed period (namely 10 working days), the dispute remains unresolved and the next step is to refer the dispute to arbitration.
"Aimed at a global market so not oriented to any particular legal system, the book is useful to readers throughout the world"--
Important features of this book include: · background and concepts of the various forms of contract; · a detailed comparison of the wording of the1999 three main forms, which although similar in nature; it nevertheless significantly ...
With an emphasis on the practical aspects of working as an architect, the 9th edition combines clear and comprehensive guidance with a focus on new directions in practice management which will give a modern practice that vital commercial ...
Construction Contracts Act 2013 Damien Keogh, Niall Lawless ... In the latest version of the RIAI Contract,47 Clause 38(a)(i) provides that should any dispute arise in relation to this contract – and it is not resolved by negotiation ...