Winnicott's ideas are scattered through numerous clinical papers and popular expositions. He made only one attempt to write an overview of his ideas, and this is it.
tions combine present reality , including the person of the therapist , with expressions of revived wishes , memories , or fantasies , such as preoedipal wishes for the exclusive possession of the therapist The case of Karen C. , shows ...
Few, if any, monographs on trust exist. This new book, edited by Salman Akhtar, seeks to fill this gap.
Diary of a Baby
For school professionals seeking to work in emotionally focused ways with children, this book offers a wide range of essays illustrating how psychodynamic ideas can be used to validate children, respect the contexts of their families and ...
The Conduct of the Psycho-analysis of Children as Seen in the Treatment of a Ten-year-old Boy Melanie Klein ... While Richard talked about the enemy chasing the train, he made dots on the page, saying, 'Now he is here, now here, ...
The contributions to this book, containing talks given at the Conference in Vienna on 'Dream and Fantasy in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy', focus on the close connection between children's imaginative world, their ...
Childhood and Society
The Kleinian Development derives from lectures delivered at the Institute of Psychanalysis, London, and the Tavistock Clinic (1965-78).