A Guide to Palace Hotels in India
... 022/2261 4462 ) ; France , 2nd Floor , Datta Prasad , N Gamadia Cross Rd ( 9 am-1pm & 2.30-5.30pm ; 022/2495 0948 ) ... specializing in Zoroastrian and Irani studies has a public collection of 22,000 volumes in European and CHAPTER ...
2000 Gajner Palace Hotel 32km southwest of Bikaner T0153427 5061, Whrhindia.com. This grand affair in red sandstone was built in the early twentieth century as a hunting lodge for the maharajas of Bikaner. The ninetyroom hotel overlooks ...
Doctor Dr Virendra Bhandari (9829091084) will visit hotels/guesthouses. Horseriding Various places around town offer horseriding expeditions into the surrounding countryside. The reputable Kumbha Palace hotel runs half- and full-day ...
Provides information on rates, facilities, seasons, and history for over a hundred castles in Britain and Europe
The cheapest hotels near the bus stand leave much to be desired, so it's worth spending a bit more to escape the noise and dirt of the city. ... Rs701—2000 Imperial Palace Hotel Dr Yagnik Rd 0281/248 0000, wwwtheimperialpalace.biz.
Where to stay in Delhi and Northwest India India has an enormous range of accommodation. ... India boasts several home-grown hotel chains, best of which are the exceptional heritage and palace hotels operated by the Taj group.
India, a Guide for the Quality-conscious Traveller
If you need larger - scale city maps than the ones we provide in this book - which are keyed to show recommended hotels and restaurants - try Eicher's excellent City Map series , featuring Mumbai , Chennai and Bangalore .
With much less of a corporate feel than business hotels, these tend to be smaller and place a greater emphasis on service and modern design features; some may occupy heritage properties. FIVE TOP LUXURY PLACES TO STAY Akkarikkulam ...