Muñoz Piña, Carlos, A. de Janvry, and E. Sadoulet (2003), 'Recrafting rights over common property resources in Mexico', Economic Development and Cultural Change, 52, 129–158. Murphy, Earl Finbar (1977), Nature, Bureaucracy and the Rules ...
First published in 1997, this volume constitutes a collection of new papers by more than 20 United Kingdom and International experts on general and specific issues relating to the reform of all aspects of property law.
When legal disputes arise related to owning and leasing property; maintaining estates; managing residential or commercial tenancies and condominiums; handling deeds, mortgages, and covenants; and controlling rights to waters, soils, and ...
This book is designed specifically to provide business, paralegal, legal studies or other non-law school students with a comprehensive understanding of the principal areas of intellectual property protection: trade secrets, patents, ...
When an interest is rendered inalienable by a legal rule, it can either be treated as a non-proprietary interest or as a form of property, ... 2“ For a recent account, see Hanoch Dagan, 'Inside Property' ALIENABILITY AND COPYRIGHT LAW 165.
and tenant, provided security of tenure for tenants, and allowed the sale of freehold land to the tenant with government assistance. The Act legalized the Ulster custom ... 318 See Keenan D. Ireland Within the Union 1800—1921.
It provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of the property law and related fields. The topics covered in this book offer the readers new insights in the field of property law.
Digital formats and resources This edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources.
Intellectual property law and practice in China has changed dramatically since the first edition of this influential book published in 2005.
The right to land plays a key role in the realisation of a plethora of human rights, Land is however becoming scarce and the poorest sectors of society are deprived of access to land whilst State authorities and foreign investors practise ...