Japan is a mysterious and beguiling country, steeped in the deepest of traditions yet strikingly modern. Here, Curator Emeritus Ian Bottomley sheds light on one of the most popular facets of the Royal Armouries' collection, reflecting this mesmeric harmony of reverence and reinvention. He offers an overview of Japanese arms and armour from the ......
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1987. Robinson, H. Russell. A Short History of japanese Armour. London: H.M. Stationary Office, 1965. . Oriental Armour. London: Ienkins, 1967. Reprint ed., Mineola, NY: Dover, 2002. Sakakibara K6zan.
Japanese Arms & Armour: Introduction [and Line Drawings]
Arms and Armour of Old Japan
Japanese Arms and Armour: A Guide to Reference Material for Students, Collectors and Owners
This pioneering study of samurai weapons, armor, and strategies is a fascinating slice of martial arts history, as seen through the eyes of an authentic seventeenth-century samurai master Part of the acclaimed Book of Samurai series, which ...
Japanese arms & armour
Japanese Armour: an Illustrated Guide to the Work of the Myöohin and Saotome Families from the 15th to the 20th...