Report examining in detail the National Farmers' Federation's outlay tax reform proposal which is revenue neutral in its fiscal impact.
Previous modelling of the Australian goods and services tax (GST) has: (a) used models of the national economy; and (b) modeled the GST as an indirect tax on various tax bases (like consumption and investment) without taking formal account ...
Collection of papers presented at a workshop convened by the North Australian Research Unit on the Howard government's proposed Goods and Services Tax.
This book is not only the first comparative in-depth study of the treatment of insurance in the two systems, but also the first comprehensive legal research devoted to the treatment of insurance in EU VAT published in English.
Important issues that are addressed include: What lessons have been learned from the introduction of GST?, What are some of the issues that have emerged in practice as a result of the GST?, What reforms still need to take place?
A Goods and Services Tax: Boon Or Bane for Australia?
The 5th Edition of the Australian GST Legislation provides a comprehensive consolidation of all the legislation relating to Australia's GST system, and incorporates all amendments enacted to 1 January 2002.
Updated as of May 15, 2018 This book contains: - The complete text of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Australia) (2018 Edition) - A table of contents with the page number of each section
Goods & Services Tax (GST): Consumer's Perceptions After Introduction in Australia in July 2000
In view of the large amount of public money being paid to the States in GST revenue, the objective of the audit was to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of processes and procedures used by Treasury in making payments of GST revenues and ...
GST Handbook: A Guide to Administering Australia's Goods and Services Tax for Surf Life Saving Australia and Affiliates