Swifts and swallows flew effortlessly overhead , how wonderful it was to see such an abundance of life , as far North as Greenland and the perma - frost region of Siberia and Canada . Here the growing season is extremely short ...
Interest in the old masters Sibelius and Grieg is soaring and progressive pop artists like Björk continue to fascinate as much as they entertain. Andrew Mellor journeys to the heart of the Nordic cultural psyche.
... susceptibility to the Southern countries and races that is a Nordic quality” (17).60 Northern people grow patient and loving regarding the South—first the Southern Europe of the eighteenth-century's educational journey, then Africa.
This new edition features an introduction by the author of the Encyclopedia of Nordic Crime Fiction, Mitzi M. Brunsdale. Frank Heller was the pseudonym of Gunnar Serner, who was the first internationally famous Swedish crime writer.
What was perhaps more surprising and entirely unanticipated was that their journeys around Italy also developed their ... including Ivar Tengbom and Carl Petersen, undertaking extensive Nordic tours in which they sketched, measured and ...
Die Germanische Altertumskunde Online wird – wie bereits das in ihr aufgegangene Reallexikon – durch Ergänzungsbände begleitet.
In front of the Wheelock Library in Tacoma's Proctor neighborhood stands a bronze statue of Allen C. Mason, an obscure but ... Arriving in Tacoma in 1883, Mason became a millionaire best known for passionately selling Tacoma and aracng ...
From Nordic Roots: One Family's Journey
Inside "Norse Mythology: Discovering the Nordic Myths: a journey through Gods, Heroes and Legends that have made great the Myths of the North." by Mythologist Vittorino D'Ancona, you will be immersed in this world and you will discover its ...
"Best remembered today as a novelist and political philosopher, Mary Wollstonecraft continues to challenge her present-day readers, as she did Virginia Woolf. Of all her writing the masterpiece is perhaps...
36 Anne Hege Simonsen, 'Fortellinger om verden – Utenlandsdekningen i tre norske aviser 1880–1940', Pressehistoriske Skrifter, 6 (2006): 7–77. 37 Morgenbladet, 21 March 1900. Quoted in Simonsen, 'Fortellinger om verden', p. 52.