Mitchell, R., D. McIntyre, M. MacDonald and J. McLennan (1987), Report of an Independent Evaluation of the Western Isles' ... Nic a' Bhàird, R. (2007), 'A' stiùreadh an t-solarachaidh: Sealladh bho na sgoiltean', in M. NicNeacail and M.
This book provides developers, engineers, researchers and students with detailed knowledge about the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard.
Collins Easy Learning Italian Grammar offers beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to the verbs and grammar of Italian. Collins Easy Learning Italian Grammar has been designed for all those...
The volume will be of keen interest to researchers and clinicians in psychiatry, psychology, and neurology, neuroscientists studying stimulants, and those pursuing development of new drugs to treat ADHD.
Marketing responsibilities and tactics have changed dramatically over the past decade. This book now updates marketing management to better serve this rapidly evolving discipline.
This edition includes far-reaching suggestions for research that could increase the impact that classroom teaching has on actual learning.
To travel the road to Meikle Seggie is to undertake any journey which offers unexpected opportunities for intellectual growth and self-discovery.
Remote Viewersis a tale of the Pentagon's attempts to develop the perfect tool for espionage: psychic spies. These psychic spies, or "remote viewers," were able to infiltrate any target, elude...
Now in POLLING MATTERS: Why Leaders Must Listen to the Wisdom of the People, The Gallup Organization reveals: What polls really are and how they are conducted Why the information polls provide is so vitally important to modern society today ...
Say It And Live It is the first collection of provocative, passionate, and intelligent corporate mission statements--the most powerful and popular managerial tool in business today.