There are two ways to upgrade a MOSS 2007farmto SharePoint 2010.Theseare: Inplace upgrade:Thisinvolves runningan SP2010setuponeach machine inthefarm. This installs new binariesand upgrades the configuration database, content databases, ...
Heather Waterman is the Director of the Visual Design Team at the Washington DC-based Synteractive, Inc. She is responsible for leading the designers and developers, with an emphasis on web design for SharePoint.
Start automated Perform automated unit testing Compile new Do manual tests package Restore tests snapshot Upg rade existing deployment Copy latest customizations FIGURE 4-18 Understandably, it is not always possible to have a copy of ...
Package name While package naming is up to you, you obviously have to pick something that isn't already taken, ... This is one of the primary fields that is indexed when people search for packages, so it's best to be descriptive, ...
Michael Smith 2 Feb 22 Strange Things Happen Michael Fjetland ? Feb 22 New blog about chemobrain George Noelke Feb 22 Wtry LegalZoom Fails Startups Ryan Roberts 24 Feb 21 Wiat not to do you have a personal in .
They can be found as XML files in the QueryServiceXml folder, and they're deployed as part of the .xap package for use in the code. There are separate templates for People vs. All Sites or general content searches, and they differ ...
This book contains an extensive set of practical examples and an easy-to-follow approach to creating 3D objects.This book is great for anyone who already knows JavaScript and who wants to start creating 3D graphics that run in any browser.
Similar to SharePoint 2010, the information about a person in a people search result comes from the SharePoint user profile. ... a particular search query. For example, as shown in Figure 18-9, we searched for “marketing and packaging.
A technique is 'white hat' when it conforms to the submission guidelines set out by a search engine and contains no kind of deception in order to artificially gain higher rankings. White hat SEO is about creating a compelling user ...
As they passed the roadblock she asked, "Will I be able to get my pack back after your people search it? There are...feminine things...inside that I need." "Of course. We will also give you private quarters...under strict guard, ...