... Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Paris Cunningham AB and Cunningham M Profits Prunusand the prostate In:Zerner C (ed) People plants and justice Ch p Columbia University Press New York Cunningham AB ...
Woodland Wild Flowers
Common Plants of Woodlands
Native Trees of Tasmania
Bennett, B.C. 1992 Plants and people of the Amazonian rainforests: The role of ethnobotany in sustainable development. BioScience 42: 599-607. ... J.A. and Vasquez, R. 1994 Amazonian ethnobotanical dictionary. CRC. References.
Plantas medicinais nas florestas semideciduais
This guide contains descriptions of 310 plants common to the upland and lowland ecosystems of the boreal forest of northeastern Ontario.
Wild Flowers of Field and Woodland: A Beatifully Illustrated Identification Guide to the Flora of These Two Habitats
A quick field guide to the plants you are likely to encounter on your visit to Tongariro National Park. Handy spiral bound book.