Matthew's Beginning is an intriguing submission of original fiction which focuses on the extraordinary life and harrowing exploits of the main character. The middle of three brothers, Matthew shares their disgust and hatred for their stepfather, Ben Lucas. Routinely assaulting their mother and showing very little love and support for the family, Ben quickly became a figure of both fear and derision. One particular day, Matthew's elder brother Joshua steals money from Ben's wallet and buys a ring. Once he discovers the missing money, Ben threatens violence. Instead of cowering Matthew takes credit for taking the money and suggests Ben beat him instead of his mother. Impressed by Matthew's nerve and guts, Ben forms a new respect for the young man. A few days later, he shares a secret possession as well as a cruel ultimatum which makes a significant impression on Matthew and alters his perspective in many ways. From this foundation, a very entertaining tale is constructed.
Describes the author's first psychic experiences and how his powers developed, from the terrifying outbursts of poltergeist activity at school and the hysteria it produced, through his discovery and use...
The Links: By Robert Hunter
With tons of epic games and boss puzzles, The Legend of Zelda followers will love this super-interactive book!
This book is designed to reach this generation for our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our desire to reach the lost at all cost.
Rivers and Civilizations: What’s the Link?
The book is separated into three major parts: 1) The Problem: The acceptance of violence as a way of life; 2) Toward a Solution: Raising sons for the twenty-first century; 3) Conclusions: Beyond the masculine mystique.
"Internetainers" Rhett & Link met in first grade when their teacher made them miss recess for writing profanity on their desks, and they have been best friends ever since. Today,...
The book is written for musicians and athletes looking to improve their level of performance on the stage or on the field, as well as for a general audience interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying influence of music ...
... smooth talkers. Roomy also learned from smooth talkers who claimed to have fathomed their destiny. The smooth talkers claimed to know everything about life. They claimed to know the way to destiny. As the ungodly continued, the words ...