Coat of Many Colours

Coat of Many Colours
Babatunde Adedibu


A ground breaking historiography on African and Caribbean Christianities in Britain, Coat of Many Colours is a comprehensive resource for understanding the richness and diversity of Britain s Black Church movement. This is a virtual source-book for anyone who wants to know the origin, growth, distinctiveness, challenges and contributions of Black Majority Churches to British Christianity. This is a fine study on the history and significance of African and African Caribbean Pentecostalism in Britain today. The author writes from the inside of the movement with alacrity and insight, and this book will surely need to be consulted by anyone wanting to understand British Black Churches in future. - Allan Anderson Professor of Global Pentecostalism School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, Birmingham Coat of Many Colours adds the much needed spices to the rich historiography of African and Black Majority Churches in Britain. The popularity of the discourse on the shift in the centre of gravity of Christianity from the North to the South sometimes obscures the ongoing revitalization of Christianity in the Northern hemisphere. This book provides the needed caution in understanding how and to what extent immigrant religious communities, such as African and Caribbean Christianities in Britain, are contributing to the reenergizing and re-empowering of Christianity in Britain but also repositioning World Christianities. It is a must-read for all interested in the reconfiguration of Christianity in our modern cosmos. Dr. Afe Adogame Centre for the Study of World Christianity, The University of Edinburgh New College, Mound Place, Edinburgh, UK Coat of Many Colours uniqueness is profound as Babatunde Adedibu has not only documented the historical antecedents dating from the origin of modern black churches in Britain to 1907 and the relevance of these churches. He also passionately argues that the missiological agenda of Black Churches in Britain needs urgent assessment. He writes perceptively and in a critical manner which depicts a heart yearning for change and a passion for these churches to maximise their potentials comes across very strongly. Coat of Many Colours is a great resource material for Black Church leaders in Britain. Babatunde s effort is not only commendable, it is a book that every one of Britain s Black Church leaders and those who want to understand Black Majority Churches, should read. Pastor Agu Irukwu Jesus House, London Coat of Many Colours is a detailed and comprehensive study of churches of African and Caribbean background in the United Kingdom. It provides the reader for the first time a general overview of this increasingly influential strand of Christianity in the West. The author s personal involvement facilitates his combining an insider s insight with a more distanced description and analysis. Recommended reading for the one who wants to know more about the future of Christianity in Europe. Mika Vahakangas Professor in Mission Studies and Ecumenics, Centre for Theology and Religious Studies Lund University, Sweden.

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