"All the tips and techniques you need to stay calm, get through your tasks, make the most of your time and stop procrastinating. It's fun, easy to follow and practical--and may just be the kick up the bottom you need "--"Closer" When it comes to overflowing inboxes, ever-expanding to-do lists, and endless meetings, traditional time-management techniques--like those in bestselling books by David Allen or Dominic Wolff-- simply don't cut it in the age of information overload Thankfully there's a better way. Graham Allcott, founder of one of the United Kingdom's most prominent productivity workshop companies, Think Productive (thinkproductive.com), presents "How to be a Productivity Ninja," his brilliant--and originally self-published--guide to cutting through the procrastination, getting more done, and enjoying your work and your life more as a result. Using techniques including Ruthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm, and Stealth and Camouflage, you will get your inbox down to zero, maximize your attention span, and learn work smarter, not harder. Think Productive is quickly expanding throughout the world, with a Canadian branch now up and running. It is anticipated that 2015 will see the launch of Think Productive US. Watch Graham explain the nine steps to becoming a Productivity Ninja at bit.ly/ninjaway and read a free sample at bit.ly/ninjaextract. Graham Allcott is a productivity trainer, social entrepreneur, and founder of Think Productive, which runs public productivity workshops throughout the world and has run in-house workshops for staff at organizations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, American Express, JP Morgan, Amazon, eBay, PayPal, and GlaxoSmithKline.
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A guide for managers on how to increase productivity without adding headcount or other overhead costs offers advice on how to promote efficiency, keep track of budget dollars, and use technology and automation.
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