Biodiversity monitoring in the Gascoyne-Murchison Strategy area / Angas Hopkins and Ian Watson -- Manual for biodiversity monitoring / John Woinarski.
... framework for monitoring biodiversity in Australia's rangelands'. Report to the National Land and Water Resources Audit. Tropical Savannas Cooperative Research Centre, Darwin ... Biodiversity monitoring in the Australian rangelands 189.
These variables can be nominal (either hard or fuzzy), continuous or a mixture. There are thus 16 possibilities, but in accordance with the principles above, not all the combinations qualify as pedotransfer functions.
... Research Centre (2001) 'Rangelands monitoring: developing an analytical framework for monitoring biodiversity in Australia's rangelands. Case study 1: biodiversity monitoring in Cape York Peninsula. A report prepared for the National ...
This book brings together leading figures from the field to provide an up-to-date survey of recent advances, identify key research problems and suggest a future direction for development and expansion of knowledge.
Fischer, J., Stott, J., Zerger, A., Warren, G., Sherren, K. and Forrester, R. (2009). Reversing a tree regeneration crisis in an endangered ecoregion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105, 10386–10391.
Reid, R. W., Whitney, H. S., & Watson, J. A. (1967). Reactions of lodgepole pines to attack by Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins and the blue stain fungi. Canadian Journal of Botany, 45, 1115–1126. Reig, O.A. (1970).
... Australian Collaborative Rangeland Information System to coordinate rangeland information from a wide range of sources. In particular, as a result of the Audit's work, they are developing a framework for monitoring biodiversity within the ...
This book assesses the case for investing in Indigenous natural resource management (NRM) in tropical Australia. Indigenous people provide a number of public goods in relation to environmental management for...
Landscape Ecology and Resource Management bridges the gap between the science of landscape ecology and on-the-ground land and resource management, relating the theory and empirical research within landscape ecology to...
This data-rich book demonstrates the value of existing national long-term ecological research in Australia for monitoring environmental change and biodiversity.