Sharyn Munnerley has succeeded where so many others have failed -- she has made calf rearing simple. As Professor James K Drackley, of the University of Illinois' Animal Sciences and Nutritional Sciences department says: "the information in the book provides a step-by-step guide and covers all topics necessary for the for the proper care and management of young calves, from what to look for when purchasing calves to the importance of colostrums, to topics on feeding, housing, health and management concerns." The ABC of Calf Rearing will help everyone engaged in rearing calves (from large scale operations of more than 1000 head to hobby farmers who just want to rear 5 or 6 calves) to raise their livestock successfully and profitable.
The ABC of Calf Rearing
This book provides easy-to-follow instructions, complete with photographs, drawings, and diagrams, on how to care for your calf in the best possible way.
Calf Rearing is recognised as one of the most informative and accessible guides on the subject, covering growth, nutrition, health and behaviour, with descriptions of various calf raising systems and facilities.
One reason for this is that it has a very significant impact on the acceptance of livestock production systems by consumers and the economic success of farms.
From birth to first calving, the replacement heifer undergoes tremendous changes anatomically as well as in feeding and management practices. The calf changes from being a pseudo-monogastric to a full ruminant within a period of two months.
Calf Care and Raising Young Stock
An indispensable resource for the dairy farmer or veterinarian, the researcher, teacher, or advanced student, this book puts the cutting–edge science of raising dairy calves into an accessible, usable form.
Calving the Cow and Care of the Calf
This book addresses all the major concerns of the small holder dairy farmer in Asia.
This book is designed to be a handy reference for field people and students, and as a reference for scientists in their teaching and research to understand concepts and how they are applied to feeding and managing dairy calves and heifers.