Hartrig, Kirsten, and Dr. Nic Rowley, You Are What You Eat, Piatkus, 1997 Holford,Patrick, New Optimum Nutrition Bible,Piatkus 2004 ——, 6 Weeks to Super Health, Piatkus, 2002 ——, The10 Secretsof 100% HealthyPeople, Piatkus 2010 Roizen, ...
Bring peace, radiance, and balance to every area of your life with self Reiki.
" This comprehensive guide gives insider secrets into Reiki, one of the world's most popular energy healing practices. This book will equip you with the skills you need to connect with this profound healing energy.
Reiki is a powerful complement to all forms of healing including traditional medicine. Here is a practical and fully illustrated guide to Reiki for the growing audience of people seeking and practicing alternative healing.
This is the perfect choice for those who want to find out more about Reiki and the benefits it can offer, from a highly qualified and experienced Reiki Master.
From master Reiki teacher Lisa Campion comes The Art of Psychic Reiki, a one-of-a-kind, step-by-step guide for learning the sacred art of Reiki while cultivating the psychic and intuitive skills crucial to this healing energy work.
This book will provide the foundation you need to understand the value and importance of Reiki and its benefits.
A Doorway to Spiritual Awakening In this groundbreaking guide, Reiki Master Brett Bevell reveals how to focus the energy of Reiki—traditionally used for healing the body—toward healing the spirit.
It is a unique healing art in that it can be learned by anyone, with no special knowledge of anatomy needed. The Complete Book of Traditional Reiki takes the reader step by step through a traditional Reiki level I class.
If you want to be more specific to yourself, there are many ways that Reiki will help you. Through this book, you will learn to use Reiki to relax when you feel tense, stressed, or anxious.