This book covers issues of women's health, history, community cultural development, new feminisms and the voices of the Kaurna women who have lived in and around Port Adelaide for so many years. It takes you through the rich history of the Health Centre which emerged from the commitment of women with feminist principles.
Creative Menopause: Illuminating Women's Health and Spirituality
A woman can use her own inner wisdom, intuition, and creativity to make her ceremony a special one. ... Women need to reach out to each other, knowing that they all share the energy of their heart connections.
Two major healing ideas are connected with the mental body: that the mind is not the brain, and that thoughts and attitudes are crucial to wellbeing and health. To start with the second of these, thoughts and emotions together (two ...
A practice manager with strong communication skills can help avoid conflict and provide education throughout the medical center. Although staff who have moral or religious concerns with abortion are often willing and able to provide ...
Alternatives may be considered for women whose exposure to single dose NVP (Sd-NVP) was
The neglected tropical diseases of Latin America and the Caribbean: a review of disease burden and distribution and a roadmap for control ... It's enough to make you sick: the impact of racism on the health of Aboriginal Australians.
plus harvested embryos: they can be donated for research, provided to another couple seeking in vitro assisted repro— duction, or they can be discarded. For many couples this decision is emotionally difficult and partners may not ...
WOMEN AND SPORT GO PROVINCIAL The Story of ProMOTION Plus Sue Griffin A few months ago, I was asked by what I thought was an environmental group ... Research indicates that women are more compassionate, empathetic and creative leaders.
Thus, exposure to existing character storylines might not accurately reflect the experiences of the men and women who experience infertility and use ART. And the content might influence people to hold biased or narrow perceptions about ...