A scholar of the Arts and Crafts movement uses photographs and archival prints to trace the origins of the back-to-basics style that has come back into vogue recently
Instructors such as Chief Vincent Dunn (Collapse of Burning Buildings), Francis Brannigan (Building Construction for the Fire Service), Chief Alan Bruna- cini (Fire Command and Essentials ofFire Department Customer Service), ...
Residence of children of labourers and craftsmen resident in Cardington in 1782 who were in service Males ( % ) Females ( % ) 45 32 Location Cardington Elsewhere within 8 km 8-16 km . 16 km . + ( excl . London ) ' London All N Èē uvo 17 ...
... Frederick , 108 Singer , Isidore , 119 , 168 Singer , Max , 117 Singerson , J. , 129 Siren , Edward , 121 Siren , Peter , 120 Sisters of Charity , 28 Sisters of Mercy , 56 Sisters of Poor Clares , 116 Sixth District Building & Loan ...
The Spanish Mission–style house, designed by Royer, had an exterior surface of cement made to resemble stucco. Royer was distinctly inspired by Gustav Stickley, and the first house designed for Stickley's Craftsman Workshops in 1904 was ...
Colin Pooley and Jean Turnbull studied travel in Victorian London through a craftsman's memoirs to show the changing relationship between home and workplace.17 The movement of workers was also the subject of research carried out by ...
became the mo\'emcnt's touchstonesl MORRIS & CO.: ARTS AND CRAFTS AS BUSINESS It was Williani Morris who most successfully applied the movement's theory ofethical art into business |)l'ilCliCt. In i86i, he established the firm ol'Morris ...
These designs ranged from mansions to mountain camps, and most were built in the rapidly expanding suburbs at the turn of the twentieth century. This book makes all Stickley's known designs available in one place for the first time.