The Microwave Cookbook
The Practical Encyclopedia of Microwave Cooking: How to Get the Very Best Out of Your Microwave
Microwave Cookbook
The Microwave Cookbook for Australia & New Zealand
These are some of the most tasteful and enjoyable recipes we have experimented with and we think you'll really appreciate both the flavor and effortlessness of them. Will this book make you a food Genius? Perhaps it will.
Offers advice on cooking with a microwave oven, and shares instructions for preparing soups, appetizers, fish, meat, poultry, game, vegetables, breads, cakes, cookies, and desserts
You've been using your microwave to make mug cakes-- but a person can't live on cake alone! Mug shots shows you how to throw a handful of ingredients into a mug, and create a satisfying meal in about five minutes.
Adventures in Microwave Cooking
Richard Deacon's Microwave Cookery
Kenmore Microwave Cookery