... NO 38.1 3/4 Steep Climb Kaivai River ( log bridge ) Steep decline caution 54.7 24 KAGI GAP ( Bush shelter ) 39.31 ... 2 61.81 NO Bush Shelter KOKODA GAP ( 2,256 m above KOKODA TRAIL III FROM IORA CREEK TO KOKODA ITINERARY ITINERARY.
Provides historical and travel information for visitors to Polynesia, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga Islands, Fiji Islands, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, and Micronesia
Parsons , Lee A. , and Jack Savage . Ritual Arts of the South Seas . St. Louis , MO , The St. Louis Art ... Dixon , Roland B. The Mythology of All Races : Oceania . Vol . 9. Boston , Marshall Jones , 1916. The collected folk tales of ...
"In 1924, Robert Frisbie arrived on the island of Puka-Puka, one of the most remote in the South Pacific, to run a trading post.
Only a rusty cargo ship connects Pitcairn with the rest of the world, just four times a year. In 2018, Brandon Presser rode the freighter to live among its present-day families; two clans bound by circumstance and secrets.
The richness of this book will appeal to those interested the Pacific, World War II, as well as intimacy, family, race relations, colonialism, identity, and the legal structures of U.S. immigration.
Asian Security Handbook 2000
This edited volume addresses the impacts of climate change on Pacific islands, and presents databases and indexes for assessing and adapting to island vulnerabilities.
The Malays is a comprehensive examination of the origins and development of Malay identity, ethnicity, and consciousness over the past five centuries.