Amstutz and Mullet offer applications and models. "Discipline that restores is a process to make things as right as possible." This Little Book shows how to get there.
Taking Charge: Caring Discipline that Works at Home and at School
Discipline that you and your child will feel good about!
Now in its third printing! Care Enough to Discipline: Raising Children for the 21st Century is a crash course for parents and educators alike in how to successfully raise today's children.
Consistency with Discipline Children want to know you love them enough to set the limits and enforce it every time ... love and care about them then why would you allow them to misbehave just because it was not convenient to discipline ...
"If the children in your family or classroom are driving you crazy and you need ideas for getting back in control of the situation, this is the book for you.
Through pursuit, you will make sure that your adolescent is taking care of her responsibilities at home and at school. Third, provide structure by setting rules—but only ones that you care enough about to back up with punishment if ...
Caring Enough to Correct
The sins which necessitate church discipline can be divided into four major categories: violations of Christian love, unity, law, and truth.10 ... llDavid Augsburger, Caring Enough to Confront (Glendale, Calif: Regal Books, 1973), p. 3.
... (2005) Care Enough To Discipline: Raising Children for The 2lsT CenTury, by Lane S. Anderson, PenTIand Press, (2009) Teaching WiThouT DisrupTion in The Primary School: A Model for Managing Pupil Behaviour, by ROIQHCI Chaplain, ...