Il fera du bien aux hommes de bonne volonté et les incitera peut - être à élaborer cet ordre international chrétien dont notre époque a un si vif besoin . Cela surtout importe . Le style de l'auteur est un peu tendu .
Detail design points, the process of analysis, and a review of the relevant requirements and regulations round out the book content.
Basic mathematics, essential aerodynamics and stress analysis are just a few of the chapters of this fascinating book.
The Design of Aircraft Landing Gear is designed to guide the reader through the key principles of landing system design and to provide additional references when available.
Advances in Aircraft Landing Gear is a collection of eleven hand-picked technical papers focusing on the significant advancements that have occurred in this field concerning numeric modeling, electric actuation, and composite materials.
This volume centers on how to ensure that the aircraft is compatible with the ground surfaces that it will encounter in use.
Find the right answer the first time with this useful handbook of preliminary aircraft design.
Airplane Design IV: Layout of Landing Gear and Systems
This volume features tire construction and terminology, mechanics of pneumatic tires, tire performance and modeling as well reviewing undesirable tire behavior.
This volume features an overview of brakes, aircraft deceleration, brake sizing, brake design, braking accessories, wheels, brake control as well as brake issues and concerns.