Connections: Quadrant II Time Management

Connections: Quadrant II Time Management
Rebecca R. Merrill, A. Roger Merrill


CONNECTIONS: QUADRANT II TIME MANAGEMENT is on the crest of the wave of a new generation of time management theory & implementation. CONNECTIONS empowers the reader to translate values into action, to escape from the tyranny of the "urgent" & to move into that marvellous part of the universe known as "Quadrant II." I think the greatest human tragedy I see is people with talent & ability who have paid a tremendous price for their "success" & who are unhappy, unfulfilled people. They simply don't have the "right connections." I believe that right connections are within reach. I know they have made a powerful difference in my own life. I have seen them make a powerful difference in the lives of hundred of others. I know they are based on timeless, self-validating & empowering principles. And I know, as Emerson once observed, "Nothing can bring peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but a triumph of principles." This book, simple in style & rich in substance, is must-reading for anyone who wants a closer "connection" between deep beliefs about what is most important & daily behaviors.

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