for George Neal , one of Griffith's predecessors , would eventually consist of four units with a total capacity of some 1,500 megawatts . Northwestern and Iowa Public Service Company were no strangers during the 1960s and 1970s .
The Railway Heritage of Canada's Prairie Provinces Ron Brown ... The lifting of the tracks and the disappearance of the grain elevators resulted in many of the little railway communities withering, many disappearing altogether.
The sun was a huge half-orange resting on the edge of the world, surrounded and partly obscured by pink and red and orange clouds banked near the horizon, and there were streamers of light across the prairie below, dark where sharp ...
Karen Grassle, the beloved actress who played Ma on Little House on the Prairie, grew up at the edge of the Pacific Ocean in a family where love was plentiful but alcohol wreaked havoc.
Prarie Fire is an exciting adventure story as well as a fascinating account of what homesteading was like in the 1870s.
Much later, as the full moon spilled its light across the prairie, Junie lay awake and thought about Bear. She pondered the twists of fate that dictate whom each of us becomes. Some of her assumptions about him had proven true.
The answer to that question is his Tallgrass Prairie Reader, a first-of-its-kind collection of literature from and about the tallgrass bioregion.
Light is absorbed at many levels; the more-or-less-vertical leaves of the dominant grasses permit light to filter between ... The prairie's demands for water and light increase more gradually and extend over a longer period of time.
If the rain stopped, making the high prairie grasses “as dry as a political speech after election,” if the wind blew unusually hard, kicking up dust clouds and sending tumbleweeds “chas[ing] one another across the prairie like fat ...
108 - Lazarus, Black Hills White Justice, 52. 109 - Welch, Killing Custer, 61. 110 - Knight, Following the Indian Wars, 72; Adams, Sitting Bull, 181. 111 - Lazarus, Black Hills White Justice, 54–55. 112 - Welch, Killing Custer, 62.
Joe Carr and Alan Munde . p . cm . Includes bibliographical references and index . ISBN 0-89672-349-6 ( cloth ) – ISBN 0-89672-365-8 ( paper ) 1. Country music - Texas , West - History and criticism . I. Munde , Alan . II . Title .