This simple and insightful treatment of the potentially complex topic will put the power of the project management process at the reader's fingertips. It is filled with common sense tips to help project managers and project contributors take full advantage of project manager's many tools and techniques--including the popular earned value. This one-of-a-kind book has quickly established its place as one of project manager's most useful references.
此外,我还要提及比尔·勒迈尔、大卫·斯蒂尔、鲍勃·奥格旺、科林·塞尔、安娜·马格诺、马丁·威格尔、马克·诺尔,等等。他们从各个角度帮我把这本书打造得尽善尽美。最后一点也很重要,那就是——我希望向曾经聘请我帮忙写 出好故事的团队致以诚挚的谢意。
NEW TO THIS EDITION: Chapters on Full-spectrum Project Management and how to manage a virtual project team Managing and facilitating project meetings Techniques for dealing with contractors Guidelines for setting up a project office
在互联网时代,要想让企业获得长足发展,过硬的品牌是不可或缺的关键。尽管人人都知道品牌的重要性,但只有极少数人能成功创立自己的品牌,成就自己的帝业,而大多数人只能 ...
"This handbook deals with the function of risk management in the context of program or program management. It establishes the need for examining risks or opportunities in project work and...
One of the best-known authorities on project management, David Cleland developed this new edition for professionals who need a dependable, on-the-job resource to answer questions and solve problems as they...
For undergraduate or MBA courses in Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: From Vision to Implementation takes a strategic, managerial, and cross-functional view of supply chain management,...
如果你想 了解什麼是專案管理 學會一套有效率的工作方法 將專案管理的知識運用在日常生活上 那麼,千萬別錯過了這一本專門為你量身打造的入門書。 配合PMBOK第六版全新發行,PMP證照考試最佳參考書 本書非常適合做為學習專案管理的第一本書,全書以豐富的案例搭配淺顯的說明方式,輕鬆引領讀者進入專案管理的領域。內容根據《專案管理知識體指南》(PMBOK® Guide)流程群組依序撰寫如下:*起始階段(第2章) 確認專案成立、指定專案經理,並找出專案利害關係人,以利專案順利進行。 *規劃階段(第3章~第7章) 思考完成專案所需籌畫的事項,包括專案預算、時程、資源、風險…等。 *執行階段(第8章) 整合各方訊息,依照專案計畫逐一完成所有活動。 *監控階段(第9章~第10章) 隨時檢視專案是否符合進度,分析差異並找出解決方案。 *結束階段(第11章) 取得成果並檢討專案整體表現,撰寫經驗分享,供後續的專案參考。 此外,本書亦專章介紹越來越盛行的「敏捷式專案管理」,此方法的發展係因應環境及科技的急遽變動而生。在需要快速反應市場需求的專案上,透過敏捷式手法,將能更早產出成果,整合各方資源與應變客戶需求,獲取組織利益。
This handbook pulls together the fundamentals of project management and presents them along side the other business systems and procedures effected by project management. The book is the most comprehensive...
Two former college lecturers whose business experience includes manufacturing, telecommunications, aerospace, and artificial intelligence wrote this useful guide. Their book, which they abbreviate "TnT, " is an explosive mixture of...
unique, sequential approach to construction project management, this text describes "pencil and paper" techniques for establishing project goals and objectives, arranging the set goals into a network and determining a...