... I'm a write him tonight soon as I get home.” “He said his lawyer got him back in court and he's going to be ... Bronx we use to hit up every once in a while. Neither one of us was into the strippers. But Maria's ex owned the spot and we ...
Gods, False-gods, and the Untouchables
This witty, tongue-in-cheek novel that laughs at the foibles and hypocrisies of Brahmins and upper castes across India begins with a crime.
God Bless Tha Untouchables
These are inter- caste marriage, providing education, upliftment of women, freedom of thought and expression, equal treatment, unequal opportunity etc.
This book examines the way the Good News was compromised with the system of discrimination down the centuries, and the anomaly it created to the Christian values of brotherhood and sisterhood of all.
This book examines the way the Good News was compromised with the system of discrimination down the centuries, and the anomaly it created to the Christian values of brotherhood and sisterhood of all.
This book attempts to bring to the fore the below-the-surface caste tensions prevalent among the Syrian Christians of Kerala.
In Shame Interrupted, bestselling author Edward T. Welch empowers readers to live in light of the gospel of God's grace, which breaks the lingering power of shame.
Everyone that is of a lie or of evil will face the Judgments of the Truth. If you decided to read this book, you will be obligated in the Day of Judgment of its contents. THE GREATEST MEN AND WOMEN ON EARTH ARE AFRAID TO READ THIS BOOK.