Breakthrough scientific information uncovers the real cause of asthma, allergies and lupus. It reveals the way to treat these conditions naturally, simply and at no cost -- initial steps towards asthma eradication.
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NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT -- OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price This Surgeon General s Report details the causes and the consequences of tobacco use...
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a controversial medical diagnosis characterizing individuals who experience intense and adverse responses as a result of exposure to chemicals, frequently at doses far below those...
Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease profoundly alters lives and creates endless uncertainty about the future. How does a person cope with such a life-changing discovery? What are the hopes...
The single greatest health risk for women today-more than stroke and all cancers "combined-is heart disease. Yet despite this documented fact, heart disease is still considered primarily a "male problem,"...
Eating genetically modified food is gambling with every bite. The biotech industry's claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe is shattered in this groundbreaking book. Sixty-five health risks of...
"Because health is a function of more than medical care, solutions to U.S. health problems must encompass more than reforms to health care systems. But those working to improve health,...
簡守信,現任台中慈濟醫院院長,同時也是大愛電視臺「大愛醫生館」節目主持人。從一個臨床醫師,變成金鐘主持人,原本的初發心極其簡單,要結合媒體來提升醫療衛教影響力──希望用民眾聽得懂的語彙,在生動活潑、淺移默化中,讓醫療不再是白色巨塔中遙不可及的冰冷詞句。做著做著,不知不覺闖出了一點名堂,而且,也未曾怠忽臨床的角色。衷心期盼在藝術、文學、歷史與醫療的交會中,和大家一起溫馨地閱讀健康。 本書集結作者過去發表的醫療札記,有行醫歷程的感懷、醫療迷思與正解,也有在診間、開刀房所得見聞與啟示。有別於一般衛教的平鋪直敘,這些文章大量引用了藝術、歷史、文學典故和真實案例故事,進而引領讀者與背後的醫學知識接軌,成為生活的一部分。 作者簡介 簡守信 整形外科醫師,喜歡將生冷的醫學知識化為豐富多彩的趣味故事,運用多元媒介與大眾分享。長年主持帶狀醫療節目《大愛醫生館》,榮獲第49屆電視金鐘獎教育文化節目主持人獎。曾任臺大醫院主治醫師、花蓮慈濟醫院外科部主任、副院長,大林慈濟醫院副院長、院長,現為臺中慈濟醫院院長。喜愛人群也關懷土地,曾陸續獲頒臺灣醫療典範獎、臺中市低碳城市傑出貢獻獎。
The End of Polio?: Behind the Scenes of the Campaign to Vaccinate Every Child on the Planet
An up-to-date, informative, and personal discussion of sickle-cell anaemia, this guide provides information on medically proven methods of treatment along with patient vignettes. Written primarily for African Americans, who comprise...
Long considered the defining work in Hepatology, this trusted 2-volume masterwork has been refocused to zero in on just the clinical knowledge you need to provide today's best patient care....