Secrets of the Savvy Consumer
Secrets of the Savvy 50+ Consumer
Filled with hard-hitting entries aimed at saving money and time, and improving the quality of life for the savvy consumer, this guide reveals the secrets of savvy shoppers in-the-know.
Provides consumers an array of solutions to such problems as buying a used car, finding affordable travel options, and avoiding rip-offs.
An award-winning TV investigative reporter shows you how to avoid being ripped off and keep your money where it belongs--in your wallet!
The Savvy Consumer: Activity guide
A health care executive at Harvard explains how to become a savvy consumer and get the value we all deserve for our health care spending. This book navigates and demystifies the confusing world of health care shopping.
Phil Lempert's Being the Shopper is off the charts on all three counts. And not-so-incidentally, though Phil is a 'supermarket guru,' this book will inform anyone who markets anything.
... Disabilities In 2005, the Surgeon General's Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness of Persons with Disabilities brought attention to the public-health challenges that people with disabilities face. Achieving and maintaining ...
Smart Snacks in School refer to the national nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold outside of the federal reimbursable school meal programs during the ... More than a quarter of kids' daily calories may come from snacks.