Dave Ramsey explains those scriptural guidelines for handling money.
In this new edition of Financial Peace, Ramsey has updated his tactics and philosophy to show even more readers: • how to get out of debt and stay out • the KISS rule of investing—"Keep It Simple, Stupid" • how to use the principle ...
In this new edition of Financial Peace, Ramsey has updated his tactics and philosophy to show even more readers: • how to get out of debt and stay out • the KISS rule of investing—"Keep It Simple, Stupid" • how to use the principle ...
This book comes in a workbook format, allowing you to frequently monitor your progress and, most importantly, to face your situation honestly.
Financial Peace for the Next Generation
In his first bestseller, Financial Peace, Dave Ramsey taught us how to eliminate debt from our lives. Now in More Than Enough, he gives us the keys to building wealth while also creating a successful, united family.
Financial Peace Jr. includes a coin purse, calculator, three card magnets and a chart for children to use as a log.
In The 21-Day Financial Fast, award-winning writer and The Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary proposes a field-tested financial challenge.
Bend in out of shape and it bends back but rough it up too much and it develops ruts. My heart had developed deep ruts, and for most of my life when I felt fear, I ran. This is a book about how I stopped running.
This is the handbook of Financial Peace University. If you’ve already been through Dave’s nine-week class, you won’t find much new information in this book.
Most people, including many financial advisors, do not know that each of these fears can be replaced with guarantees and control. This book shows you how.