Stories of surf legends from Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern surfing to Jack "Murph the surf" Murphy, an east coast surfing champion and the world's most notorious jewel thief. Tales run from Baja to Saipan and beyond.
Laguna Beach , CA 92651 Phone / Fax : ( 714 ) 497-3292 Pearson Arrow Surfboards 2320 Mission Santa Cruz , CA 95060 ( 408 ) 423-8268 Capitola ( 408 ) 475-8960 Full Service Santa Cruzn ' 723 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz , CA 95062 Large ...
Instructional Guide to Surfing
Each World Sport book reveals an ideal location for learning a particular technique essential for mastering the sport, from trimming a surfboard along a wave in Windansea, California, to catching big air on a snowboard in the half-pipes of ...
All about Wave Skis
388 MITCHELL , JAMES “ CHUBBY ” phy in 1972 , this time as a career . Unlike virtually all his peers , the quiet and genial Moir avoids the annual winter surf scrimmage on the North Shore in Oahu , Hawaii . In 1999 , he photographed the ...
Written by veteran pro surfing journalist Ben Marcus, this guide is illustrated with instructional photos and drawings, providing step-by-step instructions, background history – as well as stories and tips from legendary surfers and ...
The Complete Guide to Surfing Your Best volume two unlocks the core secrets of surfing skills and knowledge previously held only by the sport's elite.
Combining color photography with authoritative text, "The Ultimate Guide To Surfing" offers tips and techniques, terms and key skills to get the most out of the sport.
Written at the Exosphere level, this work follows the story of Hayden and Kaylee as they use their love of surfing to form a business selling surfboards and a surf clothing lable.
The Surfer's Travel Guide, Australia: The Most Comprehensive Guide Available, with New Breaks, Photos, Information and Travel Tips