The book takes the reader to cutting-edge research on the frontiers of diamond exploration and exploitation, from Arctic wastes to laboratories that create industrial diamonds for cutting tools that slice through rock.
Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones
Buyers need a source of expert guidance. Practical, comprehensive, and easy to understand, this book offers in depth all the information you need to buy sparkling diamonds with confidence, including: What is a diamond?
... Diamonds. New York: Ashland Press, 1998. A lavish, comprehensive work essential for anyone with a serious interest in the subject. Koivula, John I. The MicroWorld of Diamonds: A Visual Reference. Northbrook, Ill.: Gemworld International ...
... Papers and notes on the genesis and matrix of the diamond. Longmans, Green and Co., London Li JP, metallic O'Neill Cr, HSC, and Seifert their significance F (1995) Subsolidus for the petrochemistry phase-relations of in chromium. the ...
... Diamonds. New York: Ashland Press, 1998. A lavish, comprehensive work essential for anyone with a serious interest in the subject. Koivula, John I. The MicroWorld of Diamonds: A Visual Reference. Northbrook, Ill.: Gemworld International ...
How are diamonds formed?
... Diamonds. New York: Ashland Press, 1998. A lavish, comprehensive work essential for anyone with a serious interest in the subject. Koivula, John I. The MicroWorld of Diamonds: A Visual Reference. Northbrook, Ill.: Gemworld International ...
Diamonds, rubies, and pearls are among the most precious stones found under the earth. Whether used as decoration or in modern medical technology, this new book will show readers how these stones are formed and how we use them.
This lavishly illustrated guide -- which features hundreds of photos, maps and diagrams -- covers everything from mining, cutting and evaluating diamonds to the romantic histories of some of the world's most valuable stones.