Here is a book that addreses the 'odd-ball' things deer do to evade the hunter. With these expert tips, you can increase your hunting success. Includes Michigan's top big buck hunter's secrets.
The Whitetail Deer Hunter's Handbook
Answers any hunter's questions on how to hunt trophy bucks in public forests and farmlands, as well as on exclusive hunting lands.
Records of North American Whitetail Deer is the definitive history book of trophy whitetail deer in North America.
DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING is going to change the way you think about deer. Bob J. Mercier teaches people across the world how to be ‘hunted’ by kings by offering this book, and by putting on public and private seminars.
Larry Benoit's legendary How To Bag The Biggest Buck of Your Life is the commonsense guide to hunting whitetailed deer.
Presents a guide to successful deer hunting, providing expert tips for tracking, reading deer body language, rattling, deer calling, and more.
Hunt smarter, hunt better. Let the experts guide you to more deer hunting success. Unlike other books that only bring you one perspective on how to hunt deer, this book provides insights from a variety of top white-tailed deer experts.
Whitetail Success: Hunting Hard, Hunting Smart
How to Hunt the Whitetail Deer