Lists over 3,400 mystery titles written by women in correct series order, as well as more than 600 series detectives created by women and more. Titles are indexed by mystery type and series setting.
This pocket guide is designed as a compantion to the full-size edition of 'Detecting Women 2'. Owing to the small size, it includes 'just the facts' -- author name (last name first), character name and book titles in correct series order.
A reference guide to mystery fiction.
Philippa Gates explore: the “woman detective“ figure From her pro-cinematic origins in nineteo'lth-eentury detective fiction dirough her many internations throtghout the history of Hollywood Cinema.Throtlgh the lens ol theories ol ...
Lists over 3,400 mystery titles written by women in correct series order, as well as more than 600 series detectives created by women and more. Titles are indexed by mystery type and series setting.
Detecting women: new American short stories
The Role of Early Detection and Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Women's Cancers: Hearing Before the Committee on Government Reform,...
James Ellroy and Voyeur Fiction achieves what seems to be its central goal: defining voyeur fiction and showing how Ellroy employs it in various, ever more sophisticated, ways. It almost guarantees that readers will return to Ellroy, ... The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science ...
Once they gain entry, Timmy instructs them, Alright, Buck, you get down to the relief train and get a list of the dead. Murphy, you find a good spot for a picture and hold it 'til we're all ready to go. One boom of that flashlight of ...
Gregg, E. W., Cadwell, B. L., Cheng, Y. J., Cowie, C. C., Williams, D. E., Geiss, L., ... Vinicor, F. (2004). Trends in the prevalence and ratio of diagnosed to undiagnosed diabetes according to obesity levels.