Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love ... In Beauty is the latest installment in the inspirational, Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love series. The book gives an inside look at America's beauty industry from the point of view and personal experiences of beauty professions. From rural communities, suburbs across the land, and high-profile urban centers, fifty top beauty artists contribute their personal accounts of triumph over physical, emotional and spiritual adversity. Overcoming their challenges enable them to live the lives they love--specifically working with clients to reveal their most beautiful selves. Each story includes trade secrets and thoughtful beauty tips ... tips that are sure to enrich readers' lives.
Dr. David Laughray, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Barbara King, Terry Cole-Whittaker, and Rev. Jim Chandler join the leading new thinkers "In spirit."
Success isn't a gift; you have to seize it. This is the manual.
LIVING IN ABUNDANCE Martin , Kayli and Cutler , Donna Lee .Page 7 Kayli Martin and Donna Lee Cutler have a common philosophical attitude that encourages a conscious choice to play and be joyful in every endeavor they undertake , whether ...
Finding Your Life's Passion 1 1 Allow Your Purpose to Surface Ann M. Preston 1 1 1 " What do you want to be when you grow up ? ... and whenever I have a challenge in my business or in my personal life , I never lose a race !
I know you are thinking no way it never goes off of my stomach or off of my thighs or hips . Imagine that you are draining an inground pool . You can't drain the deep end before you drain the shallow end . Well , this is how removing ...
Collects inspirational stories from best selling authors, parents, entrepreneurs, international speakers, and business professionals on how to achieve personal goals and live a desired life.
The more than 50 life coaches, doctors, actors, authors, executives, entrepreneurs and investors represented in this book have made it their life's work to help women take their lives to the next level.
Steven E., Lee Beard. UP ... Live the Life POWER OF challenge was nothing short of an epiphany . Now I have come full circle . Armed with motivation , focus and persist ... your future www.WAKEUPGIFT.COM PAGE 145 WAKE @ THE TEAM You Love.
Gratitude is simple, but its effect on our lives can be profound. Open the cover, and begin to fee the power of thankfulness." -- from the Introduction.
We can either face the self, a path of Truth and exploration of the Heart and spiritual growth, or we can sink away into passive experience, desensitized and become slaves to external conditions.