ECLIPSE is the third poetry collection written by Alicia Z. Galvan. A very appropriate title for 1996, the year of a double eclipse, this collection has a bilingual format like the author's previous publication in 1995. The converged feminine & masculine double moon design on the cover is enigmatic & representative of the poems. ECLIPSE is subdivided into five sections. Alicia speaks of emotional injustice in it's universal sense, & its connection to the family, social attitudes, physical healing, using these themes to weave into her work, a subtle reprimand. The author is also an artist & her surrealist illustrations enhance her passionate, strong & powerful work. ECLIPSE warns you of deceit, betrayal, & social bias, hiding in persons closest to us. She assures you that anger accompanied by tears is normal in emotional growth & not an element of weakness. But she also writes of a universal mysticism & spirituality, a type of healing without preaching. She warns of social eclipses & their similarity to the natural phenomenon. Alicia Z. Galvan uses poetry to advise that we should protect our minds & our hearts because they are intimately ours. ISBN 0- 9644836-2-9, Alicia Z. Galvan, bilingual illustrated poetry collection, 6"x9" laminated cover, perfect bound, 140 pages, $11.50. Order from Galvart Press, 426 Castroville Rd., San Antonio, TX 78207. (210) 433-9991.
It's here! #1 bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with the highly anticipated companion, Midnight Sun: the iconic love story of Bella and Edward told from the vampire's point of view.
It didn't start that way–dense clouds and rain prevented any view of the eclipse at first, but at 4:55 PM, just at the moment of maximum eclipse, with the Sun more than 80% covered, the clouds broke and I was able to see the crescent ...
J P McEvoy looks at remarkable phenomenon of a solar eclipse through a thrilling narrative that charts the historical, cultural and scientific relevance of solar eclipses through the ages and explores the significance of this rare event.
Lang, Kenneth R. Sun, Earth, and Sky. New York: Springer, 1995. Lang, Kenneth R; and Owen Gingerich, editors. ... Lockyer, William J. S. “The Total Eclipse of the Sun, April 1911, as Observed at Vavau,Tonga Islands,” in Bernard Lovell, ...
Chasing Shadows is an invitingly written and highly informative exploration of the early history of astronomy.
The book explains how to observe eclipses, how to photograph them, why they occur, their history and mythology, and when and where to see future eclipses.
The most complete guide to viewing eclipses-including details on every solar and lunar eclipse through 2017Want to observe the most fleeting eclipse phenomena, take dramatic photos, and keep a detailed...
This book tells the full story of these expeditions: the long periods of planning and financing, and the day-to-day work of getting to field sites, setting up camp, and preparing, observing, and recording eclipses.
2.4) we determine the declination 60 of the subsatellite point or its latitude at the moment of the eclipse from the graph of 6 as the function of t. For the longitude lo of this point it is preferable to trace l as the function of sec ...