A masterpiece collection of eternal truths & universal values, its message is powerful & compelling: Life is simple but not always easy & if you follow some basic Universal Truths, it can be a great deal of fun.
Contains a selection of clever and funny quotes from the author's books, suitable for children and adults.
Einstein juga manusia: kumpulan pendapat Einstein tentang segala hal
The 776 Stupidest Things Ever Said
... Never trust the advice of anyone who gets his information from comic books . " Anonymous “ Never speak of any time of youth as being unhappy . Stupid perhaps , but not unhappy . " Adam Wheeler DOO ? sivu مل کر EX 태 “ Never try 210.
“ Mark Twain ... probably did make the oral comment first to his billiard companion , Charles Dudley Warner , " it said . " But ... Warner deserves the credit for having first put into writing this well - weathered statement .
Dictionary of Quotations
This new book describing the core Virgo personality makes a more interesting and informative read than a seasonal book offering the Virgo forecast for 2013.
1001 Quotations To Inspire You Before You Die is full of smart remarks - not just sassy one-liners (although there are plenty of those), but also more considered, philosophical epigrams...
This new book describing the core Taurus personality makes a more interesting and informative read than a seasonal book offering the Taurus forecast for 2012.
The Right Words for Any Occasion